Monday, May 3, 2010

Could i ask for more?

"Aku suka jalanan, karena jalanan membuatku bertanya ada apa di ujungnya.." (L.M Montgomery) Hampir sama dengan ungakapan kisah hidup kita. dicinta - bercinta, ditinggalkan - meninggalkan, sedih - bahagia, senang - merana. The things always happens that you really believe in; and the believe in things make it happen. I'm a person that always(almost)believe that good things will happen if we do good to others, walau terkadang menjadi batu sandungan diri sendiri, dibodohi, sekaligus menjadi naif. But,hey! I learnt my lesson well. Roda berputar. Saya bahagia bersama dia yang sekarang bersama saya. Kami merencanakan hidup bahagia bersama (May God listens)... I have wonderful friends (though sometimes people come and go, but the memory remains),great boyfriend (though i have high expectation - and He sometimes suffer :P), great job - with good salary (more less the same like mid-level of management in some banks), a bit of debts here and there - plus car loan (worth to buy), well you couldn't ask for perfect life,right? almost perfect,maybe? huehehehhe I usually don't get distract easily with some annoying people, but we happened to meet one sometimes, that's pretty normal. I'm looking forward for a brighter, better, life..looking forward to it and I'm being grateful with what i have now.

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