Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Think easy

Last season has been filled with promises, hope, and plan for the future, but break promises happens all the time... But as the seasons change I am left reflecting on the small things that could -- right now -- make life better for You and I. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels *proverbs 1:5 As women we’re often brought up to believe we have to be perfect to find the man of our dreams. That’s rubbish. I know because I was one of the women who strived for perfection for years. It didn’t get me the man of my dreams. It did make me miserable though. I wasn’t being myself. Too much "perfection" kills. Firstly, we need to have an understanding that men and women often have different ways of communicating. Women tend to want to explore a range of different feelings and opinions on most matters, and care of simple details. Most men prefer for things to be kept simple. Simple as in "simple" - don't bother with details - do what is right for the moment,not for the future kind of things... Some men do not see the need for communication unless there is a problem that needs to be fixed or an action that needs to be taken. The simple discussion of feelings or opinions is not easy for many men. They always think why women make it complicated, or they often think "Is it a problem? or is there any problem?" Well, guess, we should present our feelings on the issue and give him an opportunity to react. Men can be particularly defensive if they feel they are being personally attacked, so be careful with how you phrase certain statements. Sometimes...we, women, basically can't really talk to them and expect them to understand. It just the way their thinking are different from us. It ended up with compromising - negotiating. As women we tend to be very patient – too patient sometimes. We’ll wait and wait for the man we are dating to first utter those three words we long to hear ‘I love you’ followed by a close second ‘let’s get married.’ The problem is that some of us wait, and wait, and wait. Months, then years pass and the most we get from our guy is the occasional ‘you’re cool’ or ‘you’re a lot of fun.’ Futures aren’t build on fun alone. If a man is even considering a deeper commitment with a woman, he’ll do at least-to think about it-make a simple meaningful - actions. Well, but i'm glad my dear love is slowly turning into a man. Even things are consider slow, his reaction is rather deliberate, but he is trying his best. Appreciate you for this. I must say, he surprises me sometimes with his actions of love...:) Dear, love won't wait, so does life.

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