Sunday, June 6, 2010

Riddle of Sphinx

People enter into a relationship to get to know the other person, they enter into a commitment based on their love, and they seek happiness in life. All relationships have problems. What makes their relationship last while others don’t? That is a tough question to answer because there are a lot of factors. The biggest is opportunity and unhappiness. Relationships are built on love, and sometimes two people forget to communicate causing unhappiness. Opportunity comes when we let it in. Whenever there's a chance, when something is start missing, passion has faded, partners feel lonely, people find someone who treats them better or who appreciates them more than their current spouse, and so on...that's where it begin. For better or for worse, our romantic relationships are not always as straightforward as we would like them to be...not as simple as clapping hands together. Love creates both happiness and heartache, opportunities and constraints, joy and sorrow. “Can you really forgive if you can't forget?” *Carrie Bradshaw - Sex and the City*

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