Wednesday, June 30, 2010
sumpah serapah
hey, kamu! kamu tidak perlu merasa takut, kalau memang tidak bersalah.
hey, kamu! kamu tidak perlu melarikan diri jika memang ingin dilihat.
hey, kamu! jangan jadi pengecut kalau memang berani.
hey, kamu! apa yang kamu khawatirkan?
apa pikiran burukmu? mulut hinamu? siksa batinmu?
hey, kamu! jangan menjadi jalang kalau memang merasa terhormat.
hey, kamu! jangan mengintip kalau tak suka diintip.
hey, kamu! jangan mengusik ketenangan orang.
hey, kamu! jadilah dewasa dan tak kampungan.
i'm a free man, i can do whatever i want.
i'm a free man, fear is not a friend.
you, you, you, come and get me for i wanna break your bones for letting the pain inside this human.
you, you, you...all of you! please be more civilized :D
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saya tidak gila, belum..
Mendengar pernyataan sahabat - sahabat saya siang ini menyatakan saya masih cukup waras sebagai perempuan, yah walau saya merasa sedikit sucks oleh keadaan ini. Sahabat saya yang akan segera menikah beberapa bulan ini membuat saya sedikit iri dengan pembicaraannya di telefon dengan sang tunangan. Dengan sedikit heran saya bertanya, "Is he doing the same thing to you?? I mean the way he talk to you?? Is he that sweet?", lalu dia me-reply "Yes, he always that sweet, dia dan aku sama, kita saling memanjakan dan suka dimanjakan, aku merasa dibutuhkan oleh dia." Wew, bagai disambar petir. Seringkali saya mencoba membuat dia untuk lebih manis, tapi sulit sekali, saya juga ingin merasa dibutuhkan, dicinta sedemikian rupa, diimpikan. Perempuan mana yang tidak? bahkan hal ini disepakati oleh sahabat saya yang lain - yang n.b - super flat girl.
Ternyata saya belum gila karena menginginkan hal - hal tersebut. Tolloooonngg! Cari dimana lelaki seperti itu? kalau kamu tidak bisa...bisa tidak carikan saya saja penggantimu?
Cinta tak melulu ngomong cinta, tapi cinta butuh dicintai juga.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Jessica Cox bisa mengemudi mobil, berenang, dan mengetik 25 kata per menit. Ia juga pemegang dua ban hitam Tae Kwon-Do (dari dua federasi) dan pintar menari. Ia bisa sekolah, lulus kuliah, dan menerbangkan pesawat. Ia mandiri, cantik, berprestasi, dan menjadi orang yang berguna. Jadi, apa yang tidak dimiliki perempuan muda ini? Dua lengan!
Jessica adalah warga negara Amerika Serikat keturunan Filipina. Usianya 25 tahun. Ia tinggal di Tucson, Arizona.
saya tidak berbicara tentang hal yang muluk - muluk, hanya sedikit pengorbanan dan perubahan. ada saat - saat dimana kita akan merasa lelah, kaki akan terasa berat untuk berjalan seimbang, hati nelangsa, pikiran mumet dipenuhi hal - hal bodoh. perjalanan hidup memang tidak mudah, menyatukan dua karakter pun tak kalah sulitnya. sering kali kita dikalahkan oleh perkara - perkara kecil.
sering kali yang kita lihat adalah segala keterbatasan dan keadaan yang tidak mendukung, sehingga tidak memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan kreatif yang masih terdapat dalam situasinya. kita sering bilang "yah,memamg saya sudah terlahir begini, sudah dari sananya loh"..."saya memang tidak pandai bergaul, saya orang yang kaku"...atau "maafkan keterbatasan saya".
saya tidak percaya kalau manusia tidak berubah. kamu, saya, mereka, kita semua bisa, asalkan ada kemauan yang lebih. saya tidak percaya pada keterbatasan. ada jalan keluar dari semua keterbatasan yang kita miliki, pemunculan kreatifitas, spontanitas pun tak kalah pentingnya. saya percaya kamu pasti bisa. bukan cara kamu, atau cara saya yang membedakan, tapi kemauan yang ada di dalamnya. kalau jessica cox saja bisa menjurangi keterbatasannya apalagi kita manusia yang diberi kesempurnaan,bukan?
I'm just an ordinary woman with extraordinary hope, i have enough hope for you and me.
I'll never fall in love again
Burt Bacharach wrote:
What do you get when you fall in love?
You get enough tears to fill an ocean
That's what you get for your devotion.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.
What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow.
So, for at least until tomorrow,
I'll never fall in love again!
I'll never fall in love again!
tracy wrote:
what do you get when you fall in love?
cold hearted man and pain,
that's what you get when you give in your heart.
what do you get when you fall in love?
warm smile and tears,
but you'll never know about tomorrow,
you might get what you need from him.
but i guess i will still wanna feel the feeling of fallin' in love...again.
sepertinya ada orang yang salah sangka,,,yah,biarlah! toh,interpretasi dan ekspektasi manusia berbeda - beda. saya tidak bilang bahwa si pacar saya, yang mungkin pernah bersama sebagian manusia juga, itu adalah orang yang super menyenangkan, yang patut diperebutkan,,,ckckck,,,saya bahkan terkadang dengan senang hati akan menyerahkan kembali kepada anda, jika itu yang kedua belah pihak harapkan, tawaran itu sering saya ajukan juga, dengan harapan akan membawa kebahagiaan bagi kalian. maaf yah, saya bukan orang picik yang akan menahan - nahan lelaki jika mereka tak suka, tak cinta. saya ini sudah cukup umur, cukup dewasa untuk tidak melakukan hal hal bodoh. bagi saya memiliki pendamping hidup bukan segalanya, yah, walaupun saya cukup menghargai laki laki yang bersama saya sekarang untuk kebaikannya. yah, memang, banyak perbedaan yang harus dijembatani, tetapi saya tidak akan cemburu gila pada masa lalunya, yang dulu sempat mengganggu, toh, dia juga merasa terganggu, yah, gitu saja deh,,, saya tidak pernah ada niatan menyakiti hati siapa pun, apalagi kesan mencuri seseorang dari orang lain. kalau dulu anda tidak bisa menjaga dia, jangan salahkan saya..yeh,yeh,denial,denial.
well, well, saya mengharapkan bersama seseorang yang menggairahkan, bersemangat seperti saya juga, mempunyai visi - misi masa depan, kalau mas yang satu ini tidak mampu, saya akan biarkan saja dia mengejar mimpinya,,,bersama anda, mungkin? persetan dengan semua ini!
Friday, June 25, 2010
ya,ya,ya...semua wanita suka dipuja, dirayu, dicinta, didamba...kamu juga kan? ketika mencintai terasa sulit, kita hanya memikirkan ego di otak saja, hey, padahal saat saat senang, saat saat indah bersama tidak lagi terbersit dalam otak, aduduw....mengerikan yah? saat semua sudah terlambat, apakah kamu masih bisa memperbaiki dengan ratapan, tangisan, rajukan, ataupun dengan sedikit cinta yang tersisa, berharap harap cemas berusaha mendapatkan kembali sang kekasih hati yang sudah hilang itu. huff...siapa bilang jadi perempuan menyenangkan? saya ingin sesekali ada bintang jatuh, dan keesokan hari sudah menjadi seorang laki laki tampan...dan kamu jadi perempuan...we'll see apa kalian semua para lelaki bisa bertahan dengan keruwetan keruwetan wanita..yah, nikmati saja apa yang kalian miliki saat ini, jaga baik baik kalau memang cukup berharga...menyesal dikemudian hari tak ada gunanya.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
soaring high
it was back then when he was much younger that he waited for her in the corner of the road. The next few years passed at lightning speed, but he still can feel every inch of her on his hands. she was wearing a white dress with pink floral patterned on it.white summer sandals. she twisted her hair up and let some twirling down to her cheek. she rolled her brown hazelnut eyes at him. smiled gently. her lip was warm and sweet as he reached her in his arms and gave her that kiss.
she won't complain. he has made her continue to fall in love with him in every single day. she was a rebel. she is still now.
could you make me continue to fall in love with you in every single day? to love means to share things, to love means to be able to be friends, lovers, guardian, at the same time. to love means to give beyond the expectations, to love means to trust, to love means to notice every details, to love means to respect.
she or he could have been someone that you never wished for, someone that you don't even think about, someone that gives those sparkles when it is least expected....
you-your pain was my pain, it went both ways....words are better left unspoken, sometimes.
Monday, June 21, 2010
S - M - L - Xl
she was sitting there. nervous. pressing the number on and off until she finally decided to just send him a text. this must be the crazier 30 seconds she ever had in her whole entire life, she thought. she drank a mugful of hot chocolate. she sent this to him "i know it seemed not fun at all when i left you. i know i badly chosen the wrong timing to tell you that: i can't stop thinking about you, i've been trying to give my heart away to someone else. i know this is crazy, but will you marrying me? i have enough with this life, i have enough searching for the right person. if you still want me, you have 30 minutes to decide. if you don't, i completely understand." and he never replied. it was hurtful. she just lost her 30 seconds of madness.
she walked through the corridor, tried to find her seat. fasten her seat belt. as the plane slowly took off, she closed her eyes, she was still sore from the fact that she couldn't be with him again, ever again. that's weird and funny. pardon me, i'm trying to survive here, she thought.
the lady worriedly looked at her, she said "are you ok, ma'am? do you need something?"
"happy - medium. that's all i need. thank you" she replied and tears fell down to her cheek.
my dream was you, walking on the road alone, lost, nowhere to go.
you're far apart from where i am now. i'm expecting the unexpected things, but not another dreams.
my agonize is when i started to dream about the same person on and on and on, i realized that he was no longer alive. and i don't wish to happen this time.
i don't read signs in my life that well, i do get a lot of signs and sometimes tend to ignore it...i'm super not good with signs, so, please, help me God!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
leave me alone
"you always brings others happiness" that was what said by my fortune cookies. Am I?
so who's gonna bring me happiness when i can't be happy? shall wait for the next fortune cookies, or beli buku primbon aja sekalian...
saya sering merasa tidak mampu membahagiakan orang lain walau banyak yang menyatakan bahwa saya adalah orang yang baik, bahkan salah seorang teman dekat bilang saya si scorpio yang baik..ahahhaha...memang ada apa dengan scorpio? jangan salahkan bunda mengandung.....:)
ketika hidup tidak lagi terasa "hidup", saya harus apa? saya bukan orang yang suka berlari, bersembunyi, ataupun memungkiri kenyataan yang ada...yah setiap orang memiliki ketakutannya masing - masing.
dad said "I love you" by the phone....and it broke my heart coz i can't say it back...i'm in a mess.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
smart ass! ya ampuunnn,kok ada yah orang yang nyebelinnya seperti itu?? ckckc....buka dulu tuh topengmu,,,,look closely and think,,,,what went wrong with u!
gak capek apa hidup dalam kepura - puraan? sudahlah, hentikan saja segala nonsense ini.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
memutar otak
entah kenapa belakangan ini saya sedang merasa galau saja, eh , padahal sedang tidak kedatangan bulan juga sih....hufff.....
saya rindu berbelanja,,,yayayaa, saya memang sedikit gila belanja,,,sedikit saja, tidak sampai seperti Rebecca Bloomwood siih..hihihi, saya rindu dudukduduk di alfresco sambil menikmati sepotong kue dan kopi atau minuman ringan segar, rindu french toast - yoghurt - uc 1000 - di pagi hari, rindu queen size bed plus seprai lembut yang dingin, rindu berjalan di atas pasir, rindu dirindukan, rindu diberi kejutan, atau sekedar belaian lembut, rindu orang yang tidak rindu saya, rindu telur mata sapi, rindu memasak, rindu tantangan dalam bekerja (monoton dengan gaji besar pun tak menarik lagi), rindu membaca di pinggir kolam renang, rindu hidup enak (macam nyonya jet set saja,,ahahha,,yah,setidaknya saya jujur bukan?), rindu dimanjakan, rindu rumah, rindu pulang, rindu ibu.
phew, flu yang menyebalkan....untung ada super sour gummy candy....
for more weddings and no funeral
i can guarantee you that...
...there will be bad days, of us will feel bored somehow to each other someday,
...there'll be fights, shouts, screams,
...i'm not a perfect person, tears and cry in the night is not something that we'll enjoy,
...i will grow old and wrinkles are everywhere...
but i can guarantee you that....
...i will never stop loving's not three days, a week, a month, or even a year's a lifetime.
dance with me, sing me your song, let me rest in your loving wonderful life could be...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
see the light at the end of the tunnel
kata pepatah, bersakit - sakit dahulu, bersenang - senang kemudian....benar juga sih, kadang kita terlalu larut dalam kesusahan, kesedihan yang berkepanjangan, menyiksa batin dengan atau tanpa disadari. kita pun menjadi lupa diri disaat senang, tidak memperdulikan sekitar - yang penting diri sendiri dulu saja. aahh..manusia!
sepertinya langit cerah mulai menaungi saya...baguslah! dibalik segala persoalan hidup, saya cukup gembira mempunyai pasangan yang pengertian, selalu menyemangati, walau saya kepala batu dan pura - pura tidak mau dengar..ahahha...ah,tapi dia cukup mengenal sifat saya...,saya cukup beruntung masih memiliki orang - orang yang memperdulikan saya.
saya memang orang yang cukup ngejlimet - kata orang jawa, saya melihat detail - detail kecil pada setiap hal, mengobservasi, menarik kesimpulan, serta tidak suka membiarkan sesuatu berlarut - larut, saya bisa gila kalau begitu...ckck..yah,tapi saya-pun hidup dalam lingkungan sosial dimana setiap manusia berbeda pemikiran, karakter, pandangan hidup, wah, repot juga kalau saya hanya berdiri pada pendirian diri sendiri bukan?
anyway, despite all the sadness and sorrow, there is always (not rainbow - cause rainbow will not always come after the rain) something better to achieve.
owh, ibu pacar sudah menanyakan lagi kapan kami akan menuju jenjang yang lebih serius - dengan segala perbedaan - harus bergerak cepat - wew! naik kereta ekspress saja gitu? hihihihi
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
i would have known what you feel.
call me a dreamer, yeah, i am. but i ain't wanna dream for the rest of my life.
can someone gives me a speeding ticket? i got a knock at the door, and i couldn't open it.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
why can't we be like we were yesterday?!
There were moments when we hope we could go back to where we were yesterday and try to make things better,,,but hey,life never waits for us to-do-so.
Some memories last forever, some we wish we could change it, some just go without us even notice it ever happened.
In most normal situation, sometimes i think i can't make it through - all the riots - chaotic - and whatever disturbance - differences - in our tough time.
We couldn't go back to where we were yesterday, but you are here right now to pull me forward.
" I think i can make it now, the pain has gone, all of the bad feelings have disappeared. Here is the rainbow I've been praying for, it's gonna be a bright, bright sun shinny day..." that was what he wrote in his letter to me.
No, i don't wanna go back to where we were yesterday, i want the future, right here - right now.
Friday, June 11, 2010
a song to my ear
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I cannot write, I'm not a writer
When we create, we become alive. We're making love to life.
For every person is unique...Each of us has different perception of things.
I don't write for a living. I don't go "I gotta write something", to me, writing is a hard work, it takes heart to do it, i don't go - tell people everything - cause I'm an extrovert yet introvert. I don't tell details for public. I keep in mind.
The truth is — and I know this won’t be inspirational even if it is truthful — I have no wonderful stories that I absolutely must share. No moral messages, I’m just desperate to impart. No colorful characters that simply MUST be given a voice.
I can come up with wonderful stories, moral messages, sadness, empathy, and colorful characters… but that’s work! (And please don’t get me started on ‘spec scripts’, which in my world that's "a lazy things" to do)
One ever mentioned that she writes better than me, i don't mind, cause she writes for a living (and she better be good at it), One said I write not because i love to write, but there's another "meaning" behind it, which is not wrong and probably am.
I write just to express my feeling, sometimes to convey what i had in mind.
I'm not a writer, blogger, author, journalist, or whatever... I just write for fun and to tell you things i can't say directly to avoid certain issues.
The applause and laughter in response to my writing is a nice reward, whatever!
Anyway it's just a part of my thinking process: see - feel - rewind - write.
I can't write. My writing sucks. So,what? It's freedom and democracy. Don't read what i write if you don't want to.
Anyways, this is just a stupid writing,,,cos i'm not a writer.
I don't care. Just don't go breaking my heart.
He said...She said
"The sky is crying...Can't you see the tears roll down the street..
I've been looking for my baby, I wonder where can he be...
I saw my baby early one morning...He was walking down the street...
You know it hurt me, hurt me so bad.
Made my poor heart skip a beat...
I've got real real real real bad feelin'
That my baby, He don't love me no more...
You know...The sky's been cryin...
Can you see the tears roll down my nose"
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I'm lovin it!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Think easy
Last season has been filled with promises, hope, and plan for the future, but break promises happens all the time...
But as the seasons change I am left reflecting on the small things that could -- right now -- make life better for You and I.
A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels *proverbs 1:5
As women we’re often brought up to believe we have to be perfect to find the man of our dreams. That’s rubbish. I know because I was one of the women who strived for perfection for years. It didn’t get me the man of my dreams. It did make me miserable though. I wasn’t being myself. Too much "perfection" kills.
Firstly, we need to have an understanding that men and women often have different ways of communicating. Women tend to want to explore a range of different feelings and opinions on most matters, and care of simple details. Most men prefer for things to be kept simple. Simple as in "simple" - don't bother with details - do what is right for the moment,not for the future kind of things...
Some men do not see the need for communication unless there is a problem that needs to be fixed or an action that needs to be taken. The simple discussion of feelings or opinions is not easy for many men. They always think why women make it complicated, or they often think "Is it a problem? or is there any problem?"
Well, guess, we should present our feelings on the issue and give him an opportunity to react. Men can be particularly defensive if they feel they are being personally attacked, so be careful with how you phrase certain statements.
Sometimes...we, women, basically can't really talk to them and expect them to understand. It just the way their thinking are different from us. It ended up with compromising - negotiating.
As women we tend to be very patient – too patient sometimes. We’ll wait and wait for the man we are dating to first utter those three words we long to hear ‘I love you’ followed by a close second ‘let’s get married.’
The problem is that some of us wait, and wait, and wait. Months, then years pass and the most we get from our guy is the occasional ‘you’re cool’ or ‘you’re a lot of fun.’ Futures aren’t build on fun alone.
If a man is even considering a deeper commitment with a woman, he’ll do at least-to think about it-make a simple meaningful - actions.
Well, but i'm glad my dear love is slowly turning into a man. Even things are consider slow, his reaction is rather deliberate, but he is trying his best. Appreciate you for this. I must say, he surprises me sometimes with his actions of love...:)
Dear, love won't wait, so does life.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The broken arrow
seketika ia tak mampu bernafas,
menggenggam secercah harapan di malam sepi
berharap ada matahari menyinari relung hati...
berharap kembali,entah apa yang ada di otaknya
disela - sela kebulan asap rokok yang membentuk bola - bola putih itu
menerawangi langit, menyapa bulan
air mata yang turun ke relung hati,
hanya bisa ia simpan saja...
aah! percintaan yang luar biasa!!
datang dari setiap sayatan rasa...
aku hanya bisa ikut merasakan
sakitnya, pedihnya,
waktu akan mengikis cinta lama,
bergulir dengan harapan baru...
si lelaki tajam.
Slinky Malinki
slinky malinki was blacker than black,
a stalking and lurking
adventurous cat.
he had bright yellow eyes,
a warbling wail
and a kink at the end
of his very long tail.
a cheecky and cheerful cat,
friendly and fun, loves to chase after leaves and roll in the sun.
he turned into a THIEF.
"What a criminal cat!"
with a tangled-up middle
and glue on his face,
slinky malinki was deep in disgrace.
NEVER again did he answer the call,
when the moon shadows danced
over garden and wall.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Riddle of Sphinx
People enter into a relationship to get to know the other person, they enter into a commitment based on their love, and they seek happiness in life. All relationships have problems. What makes their relationship last while others don’t? That is a tough question to answer because there are a lot of factors. The biggest is opportunity and unhappiness. Relationships are built on love, and sometimes two people forget to communicate causing unhappiness. Opportunity comes when we let it in.
Whenever there's a chance, when something is start missing, passion has faded, partners feel lonely, people find someone who treats them better or who appreciates them more than their current spouse, and so on...that's where it begin.
For better or for worse, our romantic relationships are not always as straightforward as we would like them to be...not as simple as clapping hands together.
Love creates both happiness and heartache, opportunities and constraints, joy and sorrow.
“Can you really forgive if you can't forget?”
*Carrie Bradshaw - Sex and the City*
it was a wonderful sunday
as we spent this day together...
he picked me up at my place and we went to do our sunday routines, preparing ourselves to play better djembe and not embarrassing ourselves on the day we perform...:P
and continue with having late lunch at one of the mall and we planned to watch movie actually when suddenly a lady from one of the local newspaper choose people randomly to get free ticket plus snacks and drink...owwhh,how lucky we were...and there! we watched the movie.
i never get something free or won anything, but it was a good start..hihih
Friday, June 4, 2010
oohh yeaahh!!
for i love you, still.
christmas day always brings warm feeling to those who celebrate and as well to those who are not.
the feeling of sharing, caring, giving, and love is in the air. parents can recreate Christmas traditions that are important to them, which they remember from their childhood, so that their children can experience the memorable customs. my parents
do that too. some of the Christmas traditions we started with the whole family over 10 years ago were . It's something they always look forward to - and it's become a tradition in our family. the smell of spaghetti, choc pudding, oxtail soup, and baked potato...yumyumm
it's not x'mas yet, but i wanna feel the warmth of x'mas day,now...hiks...unwell.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
yang menyesakkan dada
fake hope
if i can fly, i'll spread my wings and soar high
if i can fly, i'll be there in your loving arms
if i can fly, i'll hide myself under an old oak tree
if i can fly, i won't feel this miserable
if i can fly, i won't say a single word, i'll just leave this unsafe world,
if i can fly, i'll explore all the hidden places
if i can fly, i'll fly to heaven
and ask God...
but, too bad,,,, i cannot fly
so, i'll just sit here and cry...
a friend said: Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Hey fellas,,
sometimes i question these...
is a good man really good for everyone? can a good man turns bad? will they know your existence? will they know how to take good care of you? will they meet your needs?
is an asshole gonna be asshole forever? will they change? when they are aware of your existence, would it be because they have hidden agenda? don't you think somehow they know how to make you feel, make you hear, what you want to feel, what you want to hear?
hidup penuh dengan dualisme yang membingungkan, kadang menyenangkan, bisa memudahkan, sesekali menghadapkan pada pilihan pilihan bodoh.
rasanya semua hal dihadapkan hanya pada dua pilihan: hitam-putih, naik-turun, benci-cinta, dicinta-mencinta, cepat-lambat, dan banyak pilihan lainnya.
when you know there are few things with more options, why can't you choose one?
when you know the things you should do, the things you should put in mind, why can't you do so?
some people are too lazy to make things work, some at the opposite site, too attention seeking, some just being confuse with their life.
you can't let people do things for you forever, you can't expect people to be able to read your mind, you can't let people to make their first move all the time, you should know when is your turn.
you should finalize it yourself! or just scream for.....
Sorry for the stupid things
Sometimes a man
Is gonna be a man
It's not an excuse
It's just how it is
Sometimes the wrong
Don't know that they're wrong
Sometimes the strong
Ain't always so strong
Sometimes a girl
Is gonna be a girl
She don't wanna deal with all the drama in your world
*Baby Face*
yes, i can be both cynical and sarcastic when i come to the point-i have enough with you-things.
my boyfriend ever mentioned that i am an extreme person. i can be super nice either super bad.
some people cannot take it. i'm a type that will not bother others if they don't bother or being annoying. you can jump, you can roll, do whatever you want-i don't care.
i don't care whether you are black, white, yellow, or whatever color. i don't care if you are tall, short, fat, skinny, superior, junior. if you don't show respect, i shall not respect you too. why should i?
some people might be scared when they have foreigner as their superior or colleagues, i don't. hummmm, i scolded some just because they "think" they know everything. my dad always tells me not to be afraid or feel intimidated by people.
i played a game today that sums up Battlefield lately for me. and it's not fun anymore. i'm getting bored of it. i feel like i'm following ones character of being a childish.
seperti lagu audy saja...lama lama aku bosan...maaf yah, karena permainan sudah tidak lagi menarik,itu itu saja dengan topik yang sama...kira kira itu yang ada dipikiran saya ketika saya mencoba mengingat ingat topik topik itu ditambah bayangan samar..
well, a person of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds...
yaaahh,teman teman sekalian, saya sedang bosan saja, tapi untung hari ini ada sesi photo yang cukup menyenangkan...hahhahaha
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
hari ini saat makan malam di sebuah pusat jajanan besar, saya duduk mengamati sekeliling...
di meja sebelah kiri ada sepasang pasangan di pertengahan umur 30an, sang laki laki sibuk makan wedang ronde sambil mengangkat kaki dan mulutnya pun selain makan, sibuk berbicara melalui telepon selularnya. sang pasangan? tidak makan apaapa, hanya duduk menunggui sang kekasih selesai berbicara di telepon. saat selesai pun, sang lelaki sibuk makan lagi.
lalu ada lagi pasangan tua. sang bapak nampak sangat mencintai istrinya. menunggu sang istri datang, lalu mengambilkan lauk untuk istrinya. manis.
sementara di sisi sebelah lain ada pasangan remaja, saling memandang, sang laki laki tampak malumalu, membagi minumannya kepada sang pasangan, sang pasangan pun nampak tersipu...aahh,cinta gila, atau gila cinta?hihi
lalu saya memandang lakilaki yang duduk dihadapan saya,,,yang mana kamu? apa maumu? ah,lakilaki!
di meja sebelah kiri ada sepasang pasangan di pertengahan umur 30an, sang laki laki sibuk makan wedang ronde sambil mengangkat kaki dan mulutnya pun selain makan, sibuk berbicara melalui telepon selularnya. sang pasangan? tidak makan apaapa, hanya duduk menunggui sang kekasih selesai berbicara di telepon. saat selesai pun, sang lelaki sibuk makan lagi.
lalu ada lagi pasangan tua. sang bapak nampak sangat mencintai istrinya. menunggu sang istri datang, lalu mengambilkan lauk untuk istrinya. manis.
sementara di sisi sebelah lain ada pasangan remaja, saling memandang, sang laki laki tampak malumalu, membagi minumannya kepada sang pasangan, sang pasangan pun nampak tersipu...aahh,cinta gila, atau gila cinta?hihi
lalu saya memandang lakilaki yang duduk dihadapan saya,,,yang mana kamu? apa maumu? ah,lakilaki!
Need more attention??
Drama queen - Attention seeker - Victim syndrome - Insecurity
Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, feedback, and validation of their worth. The emotionally mature person doesn't need to go hunting for these; they gain it naturally from their daily life, especially from their work and stable relationships.
Attention-seeking behavior is
Attention-seeking is particularly noticeable with females so I've used the pronoun "she". Males also exhibit attention-seeking behavior.
Why are some people so attention seeking?
weird question.
but why do some people insist on drama??
like i have mental problem? brain tumor? blablabla...
some people just like doing that. Guess...They're trying to seem like the most important,ckck...*sigh....well,there's no law aligned with it,so they are free to do so...hahha
well, life is a choice,anyway.....:)
Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, feedback, and validation of their worth. The emotionally mature person doesn't need to go hunting for these; they gain it naturally from their daily life, especially from their work and stable relationships.
Attention-seeking behavior is
surprisinglycommon. Being the centre of attention alleviates feelings of insecurity and inadequacy but the relief is temporary as the underlying problem remains unaddressed: low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and consequent low levels of self-worth and self-love.
Attention-seeking is particularly noticeable with females so I've used the pronoun "she". Males also exhibit attention-seeking behavior.
Why are some people so attention seeking?
weird question.
but why do some people insist on drama??
like i have mental problem? brain tumor? blablabla...
some people just like doing that. Guess...They're trying to seem like the most important,ckck...*sigh....well,there's no law aligned with it,so they are free to do so...hahha
well, life is a choice,anyway.....:)
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